The cold dampness kept them bundled up on what was one of the most scenic rides yet.

The fog hung on the mountains and looked like snow. The guys all made it in with full miles today. Hurray!

Jared’s bike was the only one with issues today. His tailpipe bracket broke and needed fixed before it fell off. So Steve told them to see if they could find a piece of barbed wire. Sure enough, they did and the repair was made. Thus, the farmers fix.

Steve gathered a little extra in case they had to wire anything else.

When the came in it was a short repair night. Jared made his bracket for the tailpipe and Steve had to take his carburetor apart and check the float bowl. It seemed to be sticking today. Then they all completed maintenance and called it a night. I put Steve to bed after a hot shower, a stiff drink and a dose of night quill cough medicine. Hopefully, that combo will ward off the cold he seems to be getting.

Tomorrow they go from Great Falls, MT to Kallispell, MT. It’s supposed to be cool and possibly some rain in the afternoon.
Today, the support crew’s drive was amazing as well.
Here are some pictures I took.
