Yep! That’s what it looked like today at Bug Light Park when Michael Lichter was organizing all the Cannonballers and their bikes for the panoramic photo. But he had the patience of Job and …. mission accomplished, finally! He also had to deal with all the support crew spectators, regular tourists and all those who rode out to see the spectacle after reading about it in the morning paper. I can’t wait to see his finished image!!!

Here’s my partial attempt.

The official start began after the picture and consisted of a ten mile trip back to the Marriott. The green flag went down and the craziness began

All our guys #6, #7, #37, and #91 made it in with a perfect score! Hurray! Other Indian riders, Doug #88 and Kelly # also made perfect scores.
Just to show you that although the Indian tribe and Wolfpack ride separately, they are currently still helping one another . Here’s Steve helping Frank Westfall start his Henderson before the official start.

I got to ride with Cole and Bruce in the sweep truck over to Bug Light Park and then back. I’m hooked! I had a blast with the pick up crew and came back and told Steve I’d have to learn to pull a trailer! However, the odds were pretty bad today on the casualties. In 10 miles, we had a full trailer-7 bikes. Bruce said with those odds, tomorrow was gonna be a long day as he figured they’d be picking up 84 bikes!

We got to enjoy some gorgeous Maine scenery. We saw Fort Gorges and Fort Williams, a few lighthouses and some beautiful coastal views. Then we headed back, got the bikes ready for tomorrow’s start and headed to the Opening Banquet. A perfect start to this adventure. Tomorrow the guys will enjoy breakfast at Big Moose HD before heading to Keene, NH. I will start my first day as support driver and head out early to get the perfect spot to set up for any repairs that might be needed.
