How to build a 101 in 10 days!
Day 1
Start with a good (broken) frame and clean gas tank.

And rebuild frontend rocker arms.

Go upstairs (where all spare parts are) and gather up front rim, brake drum / hub, and a healthy stack of old spokes.

Day 2
Lace up front wheel and make sure you have a good rear wheel (if need be cut off welded sprocket and weld on new sprocket because threads are gone)

Day 3
Go back upstairs and find leftover front end parts, fit up, and true front wheel.

Then after staring at the front forks long enough remember why they were “leftover”. Make necessary reinforcements to lower legs of forks. Rebuild front and rear wheels (new brakes, bearings, spacers, bushings, etc).

Day 4
Go back upstairs and find fenders and chain guard (you can’t be too picky when choosing tin that was determined non useable on other projects). Assemble chassis.

Day 5
Go back upstairs and grab EVERYTHING you can find that looks useable on a 101 engine. Spend most of the day fitting up 2 mismatched engine cases, finding 2 good right side sport scout flywheels and 2 straight 45 cu in rods. Press in new bushings in rods.

Do NOT go back upstairs. Instead go to new parts bins downstairs. Remove plastic from brand NEW crank, drive and piñon.
Talk to your crank shaft. Be sweet to it. Your entire cannonball hinges upon this one small part, and it is the starting point to building the power plant that will carry you across the country.

Day 6
Time to get serious. Start machining, honing, cutting and building the motor. True flywheels. Hone rods to fit crank. Balance rotating assembly.

Day 7
Assemble bottom end (using “good” used metal clutch disks and brand new Raybestos fiber clutch disks). Genuine Raybestos clutch disks are available exclusively at Bucks Indian and Kiwi Indian!!!

Hone cylinders (and prepare for top end build).

Day 8
Press in new hard faced exhaust valve seats into both cylinders. Perform complete valve job. Bolt finished top end to bottom end. Assemble transmission using “good” leftover gears, shaft, and slider. Bolt finished transmission to motor.

Day 9
Install mag and time motor. Adjust valves and rebuild carburetor.

Cut down “good” used head bolts to fit. Torque heads and install finished motor into chassis.

Day 10
Fabricate and install custom exhaust system. Install seat (repair first if broken). Also, install carburetor, chain guard, running boards, linkages, lights, and other appurtenances.

Add gas and oil. Time to ride!! Show Granddad (Buck) finished product and get his picture.

Day 10.5
Mess around. Fine tune and fix any bugs discovered from test ride (clutch’s, clutch pedal, shifter, sticking throttle, carburetor, etc). Install saddle bags and number plates. Drink a beer (or several). Set back and admire a job well done with Dad (Steve) and brother (Justin). I couldn’t have done it without my Dad, and having my brother’s help for a few days was pretty nice too!!

Sault Ste. Marie get ready for #37!!!