Today's ride to Las Vegas, Nevada was great right up to the point Jared got a flat. Of course, it was on the rear. He got the bike tore apart to change it. Then he got the new tube in, only to realize he pinched the tube. That was the only one he had, but the sweep truck had caught up with him and had spare tubes donated by Coker Tire on the truck. And, as Buck Carson would say, "we do it nice cause we do it twice." So, he got the second tube in and tire inflated. Being rushed for time, when he put the chain back on, he broke the clip on the master link. So, he got out a new clip and put it on, even though it didn't quite fit. Then he took off to get ahead of the sweep truck before time was up. Great! As he was climbing a hill, the snap let loose and the chain wrapped itself all up. He said a few of the rollers on the chain were stretched and bent, but he got the chain straightened out and master linked it back together. Good news was that he made it in on time and got all his miles! Awesome! He made it in only to discover that Justin had flown in to Vegas to cheer him on! 💙💙

Only 3 more days to go!
Scores at the end of Stage 13....
