Steve took the finished Pride Runner to school last Thursday and spent the day visiting Mr. Groves’ 7th grade US Geography classes. The students were shocked to see the completed bike and couldn’t believe that Steve had built it from the pile of parts that he had taken in last fall and showed them. They were impressed and everyone couldn’t wait to take a turn and sit on her.

Steve explained how the Motorcycle Cannonball Race worked, how score was kept, the kinds of penalties that could be deducted from his score, how the route map worked and answered a zillion other questions from these inquisitive students. They were excited to begin their first major school project for the year! We gave them a map of the United States with the Cannonball route and the daily stops so they could keep up. Mr. Groves has an amazing project planned out and this is our third time doing this with him. The students really get into this project. Steve & I asked them what they wanted videos and pictures of along our route, and they responded with a list that will keep us busy! Fellow Cannonballers, please tag me in pictures that will show these students our country, it’s landmarks, national parks, wildlife and interesting things along the route for the students to see as well!!!!

They were also excited to see the winning logo of the Pioneer drawn by Zoe Herriott with the “Pride Runner” name they had chosen last year on the shinguards. We even painted it their school colors – blue and gray. The Romney Middle School Pioneer Pride will be on display across the US.

I tagged along in the support truck and let the students see where I would be spending my time. One class decided to see if they could all fit in the back, and when they did, one of them said, “Now shut the door and we’ll go with you!” They had all kinds of questions like: What’s that? (the vise on the workbench), Why would you need that? You’re going to put 3 bikes in here? What happens if you get tired of riding it? What parts will you take? Why do you have lights on the outside? What if it’s raining and you have to work on the bike? And the list goes on and on….

Let the lesson begin…..