NH Squirrels 999/Dee Dee 1
That’s the count! Good heavens, I have never in my life seen so many squirrels as I did in New Hampshire. They were darting in and out of traffic and it was quite entertaining to see. I remember that Super Bowl commercial from a few years ago with the cars wrecking and the two squirrels doing the high 5. Well, that was me…..doing the high 5 when the little sucker came out of nowhere. Got him! There I was gawking and lolligagging (as I tell my grandkids, when they’re not paying attention) looking for moose in all the marshy areas and at all the moose crossing signs, when he met his demise. Unbelievably, I actually counted 9 roadkill squirrels in a 1 mile stretch!! Crazy!
Made it to Keene, NH through some beautiful country and got set up for the guys to arrive.
